Voter Information

Lauderdale County Voter Information

Absentee Voting

Request a Form, Eligibility, etc. 
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Register to Vote

All the information you need to register!
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Register to Vote Online

Safe, secure and convenient.
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Voter Registration Lookup

Are you registered? Check the status of your voter registration. 
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Voter Restoration Rights

Important information about your voting rights. 
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Voter ID Requirements

Frequently asked questions about voter ID requirements.
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Where to find us!

Physical Address
217 N. Main St.
Ripley, TN 38063

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 532
Ripley, TN 38063

Mon – Fri, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Cinda Tillman- Administrator
Cheryl Harris- Deputy